Are you looking for the James Bond 007 advert font? Then, yes, you are at the right place where you can download the James Bond 007 font.
Now, let’s check what the font of James Bond 007 is.
What Font is Used by James Bond 007?
There is no exact font for the James Bond 007 poster, but mostly like “ 007 GoldenEye“.
Since we were unable to locate the font used in the James Bond 007 trailer, we would assume that it had most likely been customized to meet the branding requirements because we were unable to locate it, which is why it appears that the font used in the James Bond 007 poster is similar to the font used in the 007 GoldenEye, which Jens Ziehn designed and it is a free font.
The 007 GoldenEye font contains 64 defined characters and 64 unique glyphs.
Download James Bond 007 Font for Free
Our goal is to make your design experience as easy as possible. To help you get started, we have provided the links to download the free James Bond 007 trailer font TTF file you can use as you see fit.
It is unnecessary to download a James Bond 007 font generator or text generator because you may use this font in your designs that are copied and pasted into James Bond 007. This poster font contains all of the characters used in James Bond 007, including alphabets and numbers.
A vector version of the James Bond 007 logo is available for download in vector graphics (SVG) and transparent PNG.
Here Are Some Alternative and Similar Style Fonts to James Bond 007:
- Dyers Eve
- Mb Horror House
- Brushstroke Horror
- Dripping Horror
Using The James Bond 007 Font
Following are some tutorials that will help you to download and use James Bond 007 banner font family on various platforms and devices. Feel free to comment if you need any other tutorials not included here.
- How to Install James Bond 007 font on Canva
- How to Install James Bond 007 font on Photoshop
- How to Install James Bond 007 font on Google Docs
- How to use James Bond 007 font on Word
- How to use James Bond 007 font on Circut
- How to add James Bond 007 font on Android
How is James Bond 007 Font Licensed?
It is important to note that some websites permit you to download the 007 GoldenEye font free of charge for both personal and commercial use. However, other websites may require you to buy a license before using this font for commercial purposes.
Who is The James Bond 007 Font Designer?
The 007 GoldenEye font designer is “Jens Ziehn.”
Jens Ziehn (Filmhimmel, aka Jay R. Zay or JRZ) designed fonts on the theme of films. Filmhimmel closed its web doors in 2007.
James Bond 007 Font Description
GoldenEye is a 1995 spy film, the seventeenth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions. It was the first to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond.
The film was released after a six-year hiatus in the series caused by legal disputes, during which Timothy Dalton resigned from the role of James Bond and was replaced by Brosnan.
In the film, Bond fights to prevent a rogue ex-MI6 agent from using a satellite weapon against London to cause a global financial meltdown. The story was conceived and written by Michael France, who later collaborated with other writers. It is the first in the Bond series not to utilize any story elements from the works of novelist Ian Fleming.
Lastly, a conclusion
Furthermore, you’ve probably already gotten the information about the James Bond 007 poster font and the link for downloading it. Remember, you must check the license information of the fonts you use in your projects.
Hope you found this helpful.
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